Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone..
Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show..
Never wanted it to be so cold..
Just didn't drink enough to say you love me..
I can't hold on to me,Wonder what's wrong with me..
Don't want to let it lay me down this time..
Drown my will to fly..
Here in the darkness I know myself..
Can't break free until I let it go..
Let me go..
Darling, I forgive you after all..
Anything is better than to be alone..
And in the end I guess I had to fall..
Always find my place among the ashes..
**diz blue werds rili meant well**
i juz need to be out from home 2dae..nid to rili tink of wat im duin nw n y i care so much..its not juz bout wat i felt..its about d truth i heard from othas whom i trust alot..wat d hell am i gettin nw??god noes hw i felt nw afta knowing d truth..its ok..i may a fool in ur eyes to cheat on..but im not may b sumtin ridiculous n sumtin MINOR to its sumtin MAJOR 4 me..its about who u rili r n how much u rili tink of me..afta knowin d ril ting,i hv doubts in all ur past sori 4 bein ur burden..n from nw on,I'LL PRAY HARD U'LL GET RID OF DIZ BURDEN A.S.A.P..i felt dat im no longer needed 4 u..ur ways n wat i noe is enaf 4 me to get ready to back off..ders no bestfren in diz werld..even d closest to u..